Buy Advertising On My Networks Marketing Based Sites

You can now promote your website or business on Steve's 3 internet marketing based sites.

Premium Members Area Network Banner Ads
At the top and bottom of the members areas on all 3 of Steve's marketing based sites there are 125x125 (Square) banners being promoted.

Note: these are only shown in the members area when members are logged in to the site and navigating the site. They are not shown on pages outside the members area where impressions can get eaten up fast with little to no results. These are premium advertising spots.

Steve uses these for his own sites and affiliate offers in some of the positions and the other positions he sells for members to promote their sites.

25,000 Impressions for

get 4 times as many for just 3 times the price

100,000 Impressions for

Steve's Traffic Rotator

As my Traffic Exchange site is totally free to use it makes money by using the spare advertising it generates to promote affiliate links to earn me commissions from sales when people surfing sign up and buy. I rotate them at my TE using my Traffic Rotator and now you can have your sites added to the rotator too. Rotation is per member and not per site and I have 2 accounts. This means that each time it shows in surf at TotallyFreeTE it will pick a site from My account 1, then my account 2 then member 1 then member 2 etc. So you get one of your sites shown as much as each of my two accounts do.

You can buy Rotator Inclusion for 1 month at a time or you can save money and buy 4 months for the price of 3. If you want to purchase a whole year you can simply buy 3 lots of 4 months etc. (Buying multiples will just extend your membership by the amount you buy)

Our aim is to deliver 100 hits per member per day, spread over how many sites you add (Max 5), although some days it can be a lot more and some less.

1 Month Inclusion for

Get 4 months for the price of 3

4 Months inclusion for

Network Login Ads
You can purchase the login ad slot for a whole week and have your website shown for at least 15 seconds to all members that login to one or all of my 3 marketing based sites during each day of the week that you purchase. That means if a member was to login to all 3 sites just once a day then your ad would be shown to that member 21 times.

You may have seen these ads called Login Spotlights at other sites but here they are shown on all 3 sites for the same price that some others charge for one site.

Per Week

Sounds Good?
You can purchase impressions and login ads to promote your sites in these prime positions too. Banners are shown in the members areas and login ads are shown on the way in at:, &

(Note: This is the only way to purchase advertising at my TE site as no advertising is sold inside)

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