Website Development Services

Working with Steve on your website or business.

Steve works with many clients and helps and assists them with their websites or online businesses. Most are people who Steve has built sites for in the past but others are just site owners that work in the same field as Steve.

If you feel that your site or business could benefit from Steve's extensive knowledge of LFMTE or LFMVM scripts, Traffic Exchange, Mailers or advertising sites or if you think your site needs a bit of a general tidy up then sign up now and become a client.

Some of the services offered include:

- Skype calls and messages to have a look over your site and suggest improvements/changes.
- Creating a full design theme for LFMTE or LFMVM sites.
- Tweaking the sites settings.
- Small fixes in design and look of the site.
- Unique feature development.
- General site setup work.
- Full action plan development.

& more, just shoot me a support ticket and ket me know what you need.

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