Proud To Support Kiva

How I Help Others With Kiva & How You Can Too.

What Is Kiva

Kiva is something I have been proud to take part in for many years.

When you own a business it is important to remember that there are people all over the world that just dont have the opportunity to start a business.

I have always thought it is best to help those who want to help themselves. I love business and how you can build an income for yourself doing the things that you love.

With Kiva I help people to get their business started in places where traditional banks just do not operate and there is little opportunity to get started.

Watch the short intro and then keep reading to find out more.

How Kiva Works

With Kiva you are not donating money as such. It works by the way of micro loans. You can read the stories, see what they want to do and decide who you want to help.

See the steps below on how this works.

People I Have Helped

Here you can see a selection of loans that I have made and the people I have helped start up or expand their business. I choose not to withdraw the loans I make and instead I relend them to help others.

How You Can Help Too For Just $25

If you want to learn more you can click the link below or if you are ready to help too then clicking the link will take you to the Kiva site where you can get started right away.

I would really appreciate it if you could help some others get going and enjoy the advantages and lifestyle that we as business people have.

Ready To Get Started? or Want To Learn More?

Thanks For Reading & I Hope You Can Help Too

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